Imagine a design, wherein the sleekness and grandeur of a car, are incorporated to form an exquisite yet sturdy product- your eyes are bound to have a feast of opulent functionality. Working on the same lane, the Japanese Company, Nendo has introduced two Desktop Accessories, rooting its inspiration from the spectacular Range Rover. Initiated in 2002, Nendo is a Japanese company, that creates unconventional and modern design products like the Invisible Snow Globe, Soroe, and many more, for numerous huge firms.
This small collection of Desktop Accessories relies on Range Rover’s design. Range Rover, which stepped into the world in 1970, by the British Automobile Company, Land Rover, has since then been the ultimate symbol of imminent power and luxury. Its 5th generation seeped in 2022, taking us back to spectacular awe.
Fusing this sense of functionality and aesthetics, and eyeing the four principal design factors of Range Rover, Nendo designed two accessories- a two-layer container with a lid, named ‘you’ and a basket named ‘ago’.
This is a container following Range Rover’s 3 design elements. Starting with the sides of the container and a straight stretch, which comes from the car’s horizontally layered body and the strata-like form of its exterior and interior. The product gets its roundness from the car’s headlights, giving an extra sense of detail, and is delicately molded by the craftsmen of Arita, Saga Prefecture.
The mesh-shaped basket comes from the fourth element- the square mesh used in Range Rover’s front grille. It is formed using a 3D printer, with an alloy of aluminum. This modernistic basket with two handles, is meant for giving a home to keys and small stationery.
Bringing together these factors with such ingenuity outshines Range Rover’s fierce design and pays homage to Nendo’s minimalist eye.
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