Akshita Gandhi: Indian Contemporary Artist


Akshita Gandhi is an international artist, a young business leader, and a philanthropist.  Mumbai based multi-disciplinary artist began her journey with creating mixed media artworks by photographing urban landscapes and different architectural nuances that give character to a city. These were then printed on canvas and worked on with colours, ink, intricate details et al. She wanted them to have a profound impact on its viewers and be a message for social change. That is when she conceived the idea of the lightbox.

Gandhi created the lightboxes as a vehicle of social change aspiring to create art that is more than a decorative piece hanging on a wall.  Art and design both have immense creativity and an acute sense of aesthetics and style, emotional intelligence, and the ability to tell a story through visual media. The lightbox is a stand-alone piece of art that illuminates and affects the space it exists in. It narrates an experience, visually and emotionally.

READ ALSO: https://arivaalifestyle.com/art/the-signature-in-the-image/

Being one of the only few to be pioneering in this art form, she introduced this striking concept to India after it had a successful debut in New York and Miami. She is the sole Indian artist to delve into the curation of such eye-catching masterpieces. “Art is a vehicle of social change today and amidst the external chaotic insanity, I wanted to bring in tranquillity and optimism. and I wanted my pieces to play a fundamental role in spreading awareness and serve as a constant reminder that the real change needs to come from within, only then can we make this world a better place to live in,” explains Gandhi.

Her creative world is one that transcends borders, conquering societal gender roles, and empowers women. She is a multi-disciplinary artist and her award-winning work proves that love for fantasy and imagination does not have to end with childhood. “I remember I was three when my mother gifted me a box of crayons. I was elated. I scribbled on all the walls. As a punishment, my mother enrolled me in an art class. That was the beginning of my tryst with art,” reminisces Akshita. “Light is the reminder of positivity and one’s journey of strength and emerging stronger from darkness .”


For more details about Akshita Gandhi CLICK HERE


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India Art Fair

India Art Fair 2025

The much-anticipated India Art Fair 2025 officially opened its doors at the NSIC Exhibition Grounds,

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